Thursday, 25 August 2011

Shabby Chic...

Hiya Everyone,

At the moment I'm going through a room change. My room is very, i suppose what you would call "classy" looking at the moment but I'm feeling a bit more of a shabby look would suit me better being a bit of a farmer girl. The reason for this, is stumbling across the shabby chic trend. I have actually fallen in love with this!!! 

If you are unsure what the shabby chic trend is i shall post some pictures below of what i am talking about. Basically it's what you would imagine "old English" type rooms to look like, with a touch of French thrown in. Enough with the blabbing, here's the shabby chic look...


Everything in this trend reminds me of cupcakes!!! And that's never a bad thing! :P

So, i have some floral wall paper to go up on one of my walls, and i am now scouring the charity shops for any shabby chic-esk accessories. I thought I'd take you on this journey with me. On my next post o will post pics of my bedroom currently. I shall then take you shopping with me, and also show the process of the change in my bedroom. I cannot wait for it to be finished! And i hope you can't either. 

So look out for my next few posts, and if you like, let me know what your current favourite trend for everything household orientated is.

Much Love,
Em xxxx

All Work And No Play...

Hiya Guys,

Seeing as Britain was actually suffering from something i think you call sunshine today i thought it would be a good time to show off my new work shoes....

I bought these beauties from New Look believe it or not!! They cost be £15 which isn't bad and they are super soft, made of real suede!!! I have always had problems when wearing pumps because of them usually having a very hard and ridged back but these ones are just glorious!! They only thing is they do come up VERY large. The vast majority of the time i am a size 5 in shoes, but in these a size 4 is still a little on the baggy side. But i think the way they look completely makes up for that.

Another plus to these shoes is that they expose your ankle, which unlike boots is very slimming and due to the fact i have horrendously large calf muscles and rather short legs this is definitely a large plus!

Whats your favourite shoes for work or play?

Much love,
Em xxxx

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Workies Haul!!!!!

Hiya guys, 

I have literally just got back from Bristol centre. I have been shopping with my mum for some work clothes seeing as for the last 2 weeks i have been wearing the same 2 pairs of trousers, trying to frantically wash them in between my days in and days off, and seeing as i work shifts which are all over the place, this was not an easy feat :/ 

Soooooo, all items are either from H&M or Primark. Seeing as i haven't actually been payed yet, places such as Topshop and Republic are well out of my price range!! Now onto the haullllllllllll....


Tights- £3,     Hangers - £3,      Bun Thingy - £1
All trousers - £12.99 each

All skirts - £3.99 each

Dress - £12.99, the fit of this dress is amazing!

I'm really happy with my purchases, now i can start wearing something a little different at work!! What sort of things do you like to wear at work?

Much Love,
Em xxx

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Teal or No Teal...

Hi everyone,

Even though here in England it doesn't really feel like summer (more like a dark and dingy autumn :/ ), i still feel in the summery spirit so decided to paint my nails with Primark's "Teal or No Teal nail polish. I bought it last year and have only actually worn it once, but decided to put a slick on my nails yesterday. I can't believe i haven't used it more! Its such a bright and lovely green, and of coarse i absolutly love green!!!! It is in the "Glo Baby Glo" selection of nail polishes so it's actually UV reactive too! 

So i just thought i'd share with you my new nail loving, hope you like. And don't forget Englanders, it may be rubbishy, dull weather outside but you can always add a touch of summer time to your nails to brighten everything up!

Whats your favourite polish this season? 

Much Love,
Em xxxxxxxx